Thursday, January 10, 2008

How to find out SOC Code and Title With out the Labor in hand

After July EB Fiasco this is the time every one is looking for using AC21. And one of the main questions people are facing is how to get the SOC Code and title(ie., job code and title) under which the Labor was filed. I found it for myself so i will outline the steps.
Finding out the SOC CODE and Title might not be hard provided we have some information about our labor like the date of failing, date of approval, wage and other details. (I am sure you know the company which filed your Labor)

For Ex:- I want to find out a person's details whose case was filed from TECHNATION SOFTWARE CONSULTING, INC., on 12/18/2005. (Sorry i dont work here and i dont know the person we are going to search...)

1)Go to the Foriegn Labor Certification data center and down load the Permanent Disclosure Data file for the year your case is filed. I will download the MDB file which is easy to view and query.
2) Open the MDB file with MS Access.
3) goto View and select SQL VIEW. And you will see some thing like
SELECT [Employer_Name], [Case_No], [Processing_Center], [Final_Case_Status], [Received_Date], [Certified_Date], [Denied_Date], [Employer_Address_1], [Employer_Address_2], [Employer_City], [Employer_State], [Employer_Postal_Code], [Alien_Citizenship_Country], [Employer_Job_Title], [Wage_Offered_From], [Wage_Offered_To], [Wage_Per], [Prevailing_Wage_Job_Title], [Prevailing_Wage_Amount], [Prevailing_Wage_Level], [Prevailing_Wage_SOC_CODE], [Prevailing_Wage_SOC_Title], [Prevailing_Wage_Source], [Prevailing_Wage_Other_Source]
FROM [PERM Disclosure Data]

4) Now, search for all the Cases filed by the employer TECHNATION SOFTWARE CONSULTING, INC.
Modify the above SQL with where Employer_Name="TECHNATION SOFTWARE CONSULTING, INC." Now the SQL appears like
SELECT [Employer_Name], [Case_No], [Processing_Center], [Final_Case_Status], [Received_Date], [Certified_Date], [Denied_Date], [Employer_Address_1], [Employer_Address_2], [Employer_City], [Employer_State], [Employer_Postal_Code], [Alien_Citizenship_Country], [Employer_Job_Title], [Wage_Offered_From], [Wage_Offered_To], [Wage_Per], [Prevailing_Wage_Job_Title], [Prevailing_Wage_Amount], [Prevailing_Wage_Level], [Prevailing_Wage_SOC_CODE], [Prevailing_Wage_SOC_Title], [Prevailing_Wage_Source], [Prevailing_Wage_Other_Source]
FROM [PERM Disclosure Data] where Employer_Name="TECHNATION SOFTWARE CONSULTING, INC.";

5) Goto Query -> Run
6) Now you see total of 14 rows. And Just narrow your search by looking at the Recieved_Date and Certified_Date.
In our ex, we are looking for a person filed on 12/18/2005.
and the Query is
SELECT [PERM Disclosure Data].Employer_Name, [PERM Disclosure Data].Case_No, [PERM Disclosure Data].Processing_Center, [PERM Disclosure Data].Final_Case_Status, [PERM Disclosure Data].Received_Date, [PERM Disclosure Data].Certified_Date, [PERM Disclosure Data].Denied_Date, [PERM Disclosure Data].Employer_Address_1, [PERM Disclosure Data].Employer_Address_2, [PERM Disclosure Data].Employer_City, [PERM Disclosure Data].Employer_State, [PERM Disclosure Data].Employer_Postal_Code, [PERM Disclosure Data].Alien_Citizenship_Country, [PERM Disclosure Data].Employer_Job_Title, [PERM Disclosure Data].Wage_Offered_From, [PERM Disclosure Data].Wage_Offered_To, [PERM Disclosure Data].Wage_Per, [PERM Disclosure Data].Prevailing_Wage_Job_Title, [PERM Disclosure Data].Prevailing_Wage_Amount, [PERM Disclosure Data].Prevailing_Wage_Level, [PERM Disclosure Data].Prevailing_Wage_SOC_CODE, [PERM Disclosure Data].Prevailing_Wage_SOC_Title, [PERM Disclosure Data].Prevailing_Wage_Source, [PERM Disclosure Data].Prevailing_Wage_Other_Source
FROM [PERM Disclosure Data]
WHERE ((([PERM Disclosure Data].Employer_Name)="TECHNATION SOFTWARE CONSULTING, INC.") AND (([PERM Disclosure Data].Received_Date)=#12/18/2005#));

7)Query->Run results 5 cases with a denied case. Now narrow the search by the certified_date and/or Wage_offered_from and/or Employer_job_title.
8) By narrowing it down you will get to your case. and see the Prevailing_Wage_SOC_CODE and Prevailing_Wage_SOC_Title these are your magic Job code and job title and find the details of your SOC Code at O*NET online or at SOC_CODE HERE like

HAppy Porting!!