Friday, May 29, 2015

Removing the empty directories from Windows command line

To delete the empty directories from the MS windows use the following command.

Use this command  (RD in the command deletes only empty directories so ypou dont loose any files here

FOR /F delims^= %A IN ('DIR/AD/B/S^|SORT/R') DO RD "%A"

PowerShell version
Get-ChildItem -Recurse . | where { $_.PSISContainer -and @( $_ | Get-ChildItem ).Count -eq 0 } | Remove-Item
or, more tersely,
gci -R . | where { $_.PSISContainer -and @( $_ | gci ).Count -eq 0 } | ri

This is a hybird of the above. It removes ALL files older than X days and removes any empty folders for the given path. To use simply set the days, folderpath and drive
@echo off
set days=30
set folderpath=E:\TEST\
set drive=E:

::Delete files
forfiles -p %folderpath% -s -d -%days% -c "cmd /c del /q @path "

::Delete folders
cd %folderpath%
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%d in (`"dir /ad/b/s | sort /R"`) do rd "%%d"`

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Loading the data using the MySQL inforbright loader

Loading the data using the MySQL inforbright loader

For fastest LOAD results, use the Infobright Loader by setting the @bh_dataformat environment variable as described below:
To use the Infobright Loader with variable-length text in CSV format, enter:
mysql> set @bh_dataformat = ‘txt_variable’;
To use the Infobright Loader with binary data, enter the following command:
mysql> set @bh_dataformat = ‘binary’;
To return to the default MySQL Loader, set the data format to the standard MySQL format:
mysql> set @bh_dataformat = ‘mysql’;

Infobright Loader Syntax
To import your data using the high performance loader into an Infobright table, use the following load syntax (all other MySQL Loader syntax is not supported):

LOAD DATA INFILE '/full_path/file_name' 
INTO TABLE tbl_name

SET @BH_DATAFORMAT = 'txt_variable'; Use the BRIGHTHOUSE loader for the text or  csv file

SET @BH_REJECT_FILE_PATH = '/tmp/new_file_name'; All the rejected rows will go here

SET @BH_ABORT_ON_COUNT = 1000; Aborts the file load command when this number of lines in your input CSV file does not match the schema of the table you're loading into.  Use this value as -1 no limit. try -1 when you are loadinga huge file

-- creates the table in infobright using the previous table 


 set @bh_dataformat = 'txt_variable';
 set @BH_REJECT_FILE_PATH = 'E:\\reject_file.txt';
---  run the actual load command 
LOAD DATA INFILE 'E:\\srisat\\nny\\03_11_2015\\small_file.txt' INTO TABLE 09202014 FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' ENCLOSED BY '' ;

LOAD DATA  INFILE 'E:/srisat/nny/03_11_2015/file.txt' INTO TABLE 09202014  FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t';